Friday, March 4, 2011


Well, I have been pumping for a year now and it is till hard to believe.  I never thought I would have lasted this long.  Two weeks ago I was actually considering weaning myself from weekday pumps.  I have read that after you have been nursing this long you don't need to pump during the day and just nurse when you are with your baby.  I started by dropping my afternoon pump and the first 2 days I did this I was great.  Then the following week I did the same thing but ended up with mastitis!!

What I think happened is Ant decided he remembered how to sleep through the night again and my body was used to night nurses.  So instead of just dropping one feeding I was dropping 2 in one day.  DUH!!! I should have realized that. 

I am now back in my twice a day pump routine at work and paticially wishing it was down to 1 or less but at the same time I am just so happy to provid this milk for Ant.  Currently, I am pumping between 6-8oz a day at work.  I really don't need this much since I have a freezer stash of about 200oz also.  Before I got mastitis I was trying to make a dent in it.  Ant is also only drinking 5oz of milk when we are apart and uses about 2oz in his ceral.  There really isn't a lot of need.  If I stopped pumping right now I have enough for 25 days. 

With all this extra milk I wonder when I will ever introduce cow milk to Ant? 

When did you introduce cows milk to you extended breastfeeding baby?

Mama Q

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