Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Favoirte Nursing Bra (Bravado)

The Body silk Seamless Bra by Bravado
  After lots of search for a good nursing bra I happened upon a Bravado nursing bra sale on  I bought "The Body Silk Seamless" and LOVED it.  What I liked is it fit a range of sizes.  I am wishing I had measured myself before I ordered it because it is to big now but it was great when I was still losing the pregnancy weight and still had my HUGE nursing breasts (They are still huge but no 40DDs any more).

One of my favorite feature or the Seamless is the removeable padding. 

My other favorite nursing bra from Bravado is their "Lifestyle Microfiber" bra.  I am sad to say that I think they have discontinued this bra because they are on sale on the Bravado site and many other online retailers. 

The Microfiber bra was recently a steal on  I snagged myself a few since mine were getting a little big on me.  
Lifestyle Microfiber by Bravdo

My favorite features are no underwire and it is SOOOO comfortable.  It almost feels like you aren't wearing a bra.  It is also supportive.  The only downside to this bra is their is no padding.  So if you suffer from constant poky nips then everyone will know unless you wear a nursing pad.

I almost forgot the best part of about the Microfiber bra, it comes in some great color combinations.  My favorite is the black/fuchia one.  They also have matching underwear so if you want to impress your DH this would be a great choice. 

For all my nursing pals out their happy bra shopping.

Mama Q

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Favorite Nursing Tank (Glamourmom)

The Glamourmom nursing tanks are one of my favorite nursing essentials.  They have several different versions of this tank but my favorite one is with lace.  If I had 7 of these tanks I would wear them everyday. 
I have found the sizing of the Glamourmom tanks to be true to size.  I have them in several different sizes because I gained 50+lbs during pregnancy so I needed a large after Ant was born.  Now I am a solid medium again and I own 1 small.  I still can wear all 3 sizes but the medium and the small fit best.  I wouldn't dare wear the large in public because it just doesn't support anymore. 

The only downside I have found is the holes for the nursing pads because it means you always have to wear a nursing pad (or I thought you did).  I have found over the last week that you don't have to use a pad, unless you aren't wearing a shirt over the top of your nursing tank (or if you aren't leaving the house). 

When I wear these tanks I usually wear it under a shirt that has easy access such as a wrap type top.  This makes for easy nursing while baby wearing.  Happy Nursing!!

Mama Q

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pumping 101

I guess as someone who has pumping for over a year, I might be an expert.  At times I don't fee like an expert anymore since I only pump 1-2 times a day on week days now but at this time last year I was pumping AT LEAST 8 times a day.  I will tell you more about that later but today I will focus on the things that made pumping easier for me.

Due to Ant being in the NICU I had to pump in my milk supply.  He did nurse latch on a few times in the hospital but I wouldn't call that true nursing because he normally fell asleep.  For those who find themselves in this situation of pumping in your milk supply, it is possible and also possible to maintain it.  For me it helped to have a roll model, my SIL pumped enough milk for TWINS for a WHOLE YEAR.  If you are need of a roll model I will be yours. 

When I first got to the recovery room after Ant was delivered I DEMANDED that one of the lactation consultants be there.  She fitted me for the hospital pump and I started pumping.  I woke up several times that first night to pump (Yes, I know it was crazy but it worked).  The first 5 days were tough because when I pumped I hardly got anything but on the 6th day my milk came in with a vengeance.  By the time I was discarded I was pumping about 4oz for each pump session and FINALLY Ant was getting breast milk instead of formula. 

The most important thing if you are pumping in your milk is don't give up and if your milk hasn't come in after a week, then consult your Dr. 

After we got home from the hospital I tried to switch Ant to the breast unsuccessfully.  This caused my milk supply to drop.  So the first month of his life I pumped, fed, and increased my milk supply.  I did this by:
  1. Pumping at least 8 times a day for 15+ minutes
  2. I took fenugreek and More Milk Plus
  3. I had a hands free pump bra.  The one I use now is a Pumpease.  At the beginning I just used old sports bra and cut slits.  I would wear the bra all day and just used pads to cover the slits.
  4. I also had LOTS of help.
  5. Distractions (don't watch the milk) I would surf the web while I pumped.  This can be dangerous if you are an online shopper like me.  I just used this time to find the BEST deals on products.
  6. Hand expression
 If anyone has any specific pumping questions, please ask them!!
Mama Q

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nursing On Demand

To be honest we have rarely nursed on demand due to all of Ant's weight gain issues early on.  I would feed him when I thought he was hungry.  Now that he is a year and knows how to sign "milk" that is a totally different story.  Sometimes I think Ant thinks my name is milk...LOL

How we have been working it lately is he asks and I nurse him (of course there are a few times I say no).  It has amazingly worked well for us.  The only times when I worry is when I get home from work and he doesn't want to nurse.  This has only happened a few times but I think it was because we weren't home. 

Am I creating a nursing monster by nursing on demand?

Friday, March 4, 2011


Well, I have been pumping for a year now and it is till hard to believe.  I never thought I would have lasted this long.  Two weeks ago I was actually considering weaning myself from weekday pumps.  I have read that after you have been nursing this long you don't need to pump during the day and just nurse when you are with your baby.  I started by dropping my afternoon pump and the first 2 days I did this I was great.  Then the following week I did the same thing but ended up with mastitis!!

What I think happened is Ant decided he remembered how to sleep through the night again and my body was used to night nurses.  So instead of just dropping one feeding I was dropping 2 in one day.  DUH!!! I should have realized that. 

I am now back in my twice a day pump routine at work and paticially wishing it was down to 1 or less but at the same time I am just so happy to provid this milk for Ant.  Currently, I am pumping between 6-8oz a day at work.  I really don't need this much since I have a freezer stash of about 200oz also.  Before I got mastitis I was trying to make a dent in it.  Ant is also only drinking 5oz of milk when we are apart and uses about 2oz in his ceral.  There really isn't a lot of need.  If I stopped pumping right now I have enough for 25 days. 

With all this extra milk I wonder when I will ever introduce cow milk to Ant? 

When did you introduce cows milk to you extended breastfeeding baby?

Mama Q

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Ant has had some issues with biting me off and on.  Our latest episode happened about 2months ago.  It was so bad I was even considering weaning him.  Luckily for me we figured out that he just needed my attention as he nursed. 

Well now the biting is back.  It isn't as bad as it was a few months ago but he bit me several times today.  Each time he would pop off the breast and I would offer one more time.  Then as I thought he was re-latching he would bite me...OUCH.  Then of course each time I would tell him no and put him down.  Sometimes he would ask to nurse again but of course I told him no because he was biting mama. 

After re-evaluating each nursing session I saw the common link being re-offering the breast.  I guess we will see how tomorrow goes. 

Note to self: Don't re-offer unless you want to be bitten...LOL

Any advice from other mother's nursing toddlers?

Mama Q

One Year and Counting

Ant is offically a year and 2 days old.  Nursing hasn't changed drasticlly but I have noticed that he is nursing a little more this weekend.  I wonder if this is due to all the excitement?  At first when he hit a year I was worried that he would self-wean over the next couple months but now I see no reason to worry.

Currently, Ant is nursing about 6+ times a day (when I am home).  It really does depend on what is going on that day. 

I have been thinking his increased nursing has to do with the fact that he knows how to sign milk now, so he is asking to nurse more often.  To me, it is one of the cutest things to see Ant sign "milk."  How can you say no to that cute little boy asking for "Mother's Milk."

About 2 weeks ago I was trying to cut out my work pumps down to just once.  It was going great but then I got mastitis.  At that moment I realized that I love nursing Ant way to much and if I still need to keep those pumps in then it is totally worth it.  I can handle pumping till mid June if necessary. 

My only concern now is daycare.  We have a wonderful in-home provider who just loves Ant.  Her and her husband take great care of him but the self-conscious part of me thinks she thinks, I am crazy.  One thing I have learned in the past 6months is that she will do pretty much whatever I ask.  Sooo, I guess it is not up to her but me.  I really just need to get over it.

Mama Q

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The First Year

Sometimes it is hard to believe the first year is almost over but I am so excited to see where we are going to go.
This first year didn't start off easy; Ant joined us via c-section. After delivery we were separated for 24hrs before we had our first breastfeeding experience (I think I am finally over this a year later). This separation was due to my high blood pressure and Ant being hypoglycemic. After the c-sec and they finally released me to recovery I insisted that a lactation consultant meet me in our room to help me start pumping. I think she thought I was crazy for wanting to pump so soon after delivery but I was determined to be successfully. The first 24hrs I pumped ever 2-4hrs and hardly slept. My poor DH had to wake up every time I wanted to pump and then wash everything after I was finished (I have an amazing DH). Due to Ant being in NICU for the first week of his life it made it hard for us to develop our breastfeeding relationship. We were tied to the NICU schedule and to the fact that they were checking his sugar levels. So, this meant I did A LOT of pumping early on. If you want to know more about our early days I will be happy to write about them later.
After we returned home we got very frustrated because Ant wasn't gaining weight. It turned out part of it was due to Ant being a lazy nurser and him burning to many calories because of how hard he had to work while he was nursing. Out of utter frustration I gave up nursing and pumped and bottle fed A for the first month of his life. My thinking was I wanted him to gain weight so the Pediatrician would back off. Luckily, my MIL was staying with us and made it possible for us to survive this first month. After she left I found an AMAZING lactation consultant who helped us latch back on. After 5 ½ months of pumping, feeding, and nursing Paul FINALLY was exclusively nursing. It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to breastfeed longer then 12months.
These last 6months have been absolutely amazing and I am excited for the new challenges of nursing a toddler. I love breastfeeding and wonder how far we are going to make it.
Mama Q